Polytechnics Accepting D7/E8 in English for 20 Courses

For students who have received a D7 or E8 in English and are seeking admission into polytechnics in Nigeria, there are still viable options available. This updated list outlines various polytechnics that accept these grades for specific courses, providing opportunities for those who may not have achieved higher marks in English.

List of Courses Accepted with D7/E8 in English

Here are the courses offered by selected polytechnics that accept a D7 or E8 in English:

  1. Computer Science
    • Institutions:
      • Rufus Giwa Polytechnic (RUGIPO)
      • Federal Polytechnic Nekede (FEDPO-NEK)
      • The Polytechnic, Ibadan (IBPOLY)
  2. Computer Engineering
    • Institutions:
      • Rufus Giwa Polytechnic (RUGIPO) accepts a pass in English.
      • Federal Polytechnic Nasarawa (FEDPONAS) requires a pass in English.
  3. Electrical/Electronic Engineering
    • Institutions:
      • Federal Polytechnic Nekede (FEDPO-NEK) accepts a pass in English.
      • The Polytechnic, Ibadan (IBPOLY) accepts D7/E8 in English.
  4. Food Science Technology
    • Institutions:
      • Various polytechnics accept D7/E8 for this course.
  5. Forestry Technology
    • Institutions:
      • Selected polytechnics allow admission with D7/E8 in English.
  6. Fisheries Technology
    • Institutions:
      • Some polytechnics accept candidates with D7/E8 in English.
  7. Mechanical Engineering Technology
    • Institutions:
      • Rufus Giwa Polytechnic (RUGIPO) allows for a pass in English.
  8. Quantity Surveying
    • Institutions:
      • Certain polytechnics accept D7/E8 in English for this course.
  9. Science Laboratory Technology
    • Institutions:
      • Various institutions offer this course with acceptance of D7/E8.
  10. Statistics
    • Institutions:
      • Some polytechnics accept candidates with a pass in English.
  11. Urban and Regional Planning
    • Institutions:
      • Several polytechnics allow admission with D7/E8 in English.
  12. Surveying and Geo-Informatics
    • Institutions:
      • Selected polytechnics accept these grades.
  13. Pharmaceutical Technology
    • Institutions:
      • Some institutions offer this course with acceptance of D7/E8.
  14. Business Administration and Management
    • Institutions:
      • A few polytechnics accept candidates with D7 in English for this course.
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Rufus Giwa Polytechnic (RUGIPO) Requirements

  1. Urban and Regional Planning:
    • Accepts ‘O’ Level pass in English Language.
    • Requires Mathematics, Economics/Geography, and a Science subject as UTME subjects.
  2. Survey and Geo-informatics:
    • Requires ‘O’ Level credit pass in Physics or Chemistry.
    • Accepts ‘O’ Level pass in English Language.

Ogun Poly Ipokia (OGUN-POLY) Requirements

  1. General:
    • Accepts at least ‘O’ Level pass in English Language.
    • Does not accept Agricultural Science as an alternative to Biology.
  2. Pharmaceutical Technology:
    • Requires four ‘O’ Level credit passes at one sitting or five credits at not more than two sittings.
    • Must include Biology, Chemistry, and Mathematics with a pass in English Language and Physics.
    • Agricultural Science is not acceptable as an alternative to Biology.


Students with a D7 or E8 in English should not feel discouraged about their admission prospects into polytechnics. Many institutions offer courses that accept these grades, providing pathways to further education and career opportunities.

It is advisable to check specific requirements from each institution’s brochure or website to confirm their current admission policies, as they may vary by year and program.

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