Acceptable Turnitin Percentage Score Between Students: What You Need to Know

Many instructors use Turnitin, an online plagiarism checker, to ensure that students are submitting original work. Turnitin generates a similarity score that indicates the percentage of a student’s paper that matches other sources. However, there is no universally accepted percentage that defines plagiarism. Therefore, it is up to instructors to determine what percentage they consider acceptable.

Some instructors may set a specific percentage as the cutoff for plagiarism, while others may use a more nuanced approach. For example, they may take into account the type of assignment, the level of the course, and whether the student has properly cited their sources.

Additionally, some universities may have their own policies regarding plagiarism and acceptable similarity scores. It is important for students to consult their instructor’s syllabus or contact them directly to understand what is expected of them.

Understanding Turnitin

When it comes to submitting papers through Turnitin, students often wonder what an acceptable similarity score is. The percentage score returned on a student’s submission is called a similarity index or similarity score, and it shows how much of the material matches other material in the Turnitin database. It is not a marker of whether a student has plagiarized or not [1].

The similarity score is color-coded to indicate the amount of matching or similar text uncovered. The percentage range is from 0% to 100%. The possible similarity ranges are:

  • Blue: No matching text
  • Green: One word to 24% matching text
  • Yellow: 25-49% matching text
  • Orange: 50-74% matching text
  • Red: 75-100% matching text [1]

It is important to note that what counts as an acceptable similarity score varies by institution and instructor. Therefore, students should consult their instructor’s syllabus, contact them directly, or review their institution’s overarching policies on what counts as an acceptable similarity score before submitting a paper.

There are several scenarios where a student may receive a high similarity score even if they did not plagiarize. For example, if a student used Turnitin to submit drafts of the same paper, their final draft may result in a score of 100%. In this case, the instructor can exclude the student’s previous submissions from the Similarity Report

While there is no universal acceptable similarity score, students should consult with their instructor and review their institution’s policies before submitting a paper. It is also important to note that a high similarity score does not necessarily mean that a student has plagiarized.

Acceptable Turnitin Percentage Score

When it comes to Turnitin percentage score, there is no universally accepted or specified percentage that is considered acceptable. Different universities and colleges have their own reference and citation guidelines. However, a similarity index of 10% and below is generally considered okay and widely accepted.

It is important to note that the percentage score returned on a student’s submission is not a marker as to whether the student has plagiarized or not. Rather, it defines how much of the material matches other material in the database. Therefore, students should not be overly concerned about achieving a perfect score but should aim to ensure that their work is properly referenced and cited.

Individual matches need to be investigated by opening the student’s paper and viewing the match overview and breakdown panel. This will enable the instructor to determine whether the matches are genuine or whether the student has plagiarized.

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It is also important for students to consult their instructor’s syllabus, contact them directly, or review their institution’s overarching policies on what counts as an acceptable similarity score before submitting a paper. This will help to ensure that they meet the required standards and avoid potential penalties.

Factors Influencing Turnitin Scores

When it comes to Turnitin scores, there are several factors that can influence the percentage a student receives. These factors include plagiarism, paraphrasing, and citations and references.


Plagiarism is one of the most significant factors that can affect a student’s Turnitin score. When a student copies and pastes material from another source without proper citation, it will show up as a high percentage of similarity on Turnitin. In some cases, students may not even realize they are plagiarizing, such as when they accidentally forget to cite a source or use too much of someone else’s work without adding their own original thoughts.

To avoid plagiarism, students should always make sure to properly cite their sources and use quotation marks when directly quoting someone else’s work.


Paraphrasing is another factor that can affect a student’s Turnitin score. When students paraphrase material from another source without properly citing it, it can still show up as a high percentage of similarity on Turnitin. This is because even though the words may be different, the ideas and structure are still the same.

To avoid this, students should make sure to properly paraphrase their sources by putting the information into their own words and citing the original source.

Citations and References

Finally, the way a student cites and references their sources can also affect their Turnitin score. If a student forgets to include a citation or reference, it can show up as a high percentage of similarity on Turnitin. This is because Turnitin cannot differentiate between a student’s original work and work from another source if it is not properly cited.

To avoid this, students should always make sure to properly cite and reference their sources according to the guidelines provided by their instructor or institution.

In conclusion, when it comes to Turnitin scores, students should be aware of the factors that can influence their percentage. By avoiding plagiarism, properly paraphrasing, and citing and referencing their sources correctly, students can ensure that their Turnitin score accurately reflects their original work.

Student Perception on Acceptable Scores

When it comes to Turnitin similarity scores, students have varying opinions on what is an acceptable percentage. Some students believe that any percentage above 0% is unacceptable, while others believe that anything below 20% is acceptable. However, the general consensus among students is that a similarity score below 30% is acceptable.

Students are aware that their papers will be checked for plagiarism, and they understand the importance of submitting original work. Therefore, most students aim for a low similarity score to avoid any accusations of plagiarism. However, some students may struggle to achieve a low score due to the nature of their assignment or the topic they are writing about.

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It is important to note that the acceptable similarity score may vary depending on the instructor or institution. Some instructors may have a strict policy on plagiarism and only accept papers with a similarity score below a certain threshold. Therefore, students should consult their instructor’s syllabus or contact them directly to determine what counts as an acceptable similarity score.

Overall, students understand the importance of submitting original work and aim for a low similarity score. However, the acceptable similarity score may vary depending on the instructor or institution, so students should consult their instructor’s policies to determine what is acceptable.

Influence of Turnitin Scores on Academic Performance

Turnitin scores play a crucial role in the academic performance of students. The scores are used to determine the level of plagiarism in a student’s work. A high Turnitin score indicates a high level of plagiarism, while a low score indicates minimal plagiarism. This section will discuss the influence of Turnitin scores on academic performance.

Understanding Turnitin Scores

Before discussing the influence of Turnitin scores on academic performance, it is essential to understand how Turnitin scores work. Turnitin scores are expressed as a percentage, which represents the degree of similarity between a student’s work and other sources. The percentage range is from 0% to 100%, and the possible similarity ranges are:

  • Blue: No matching text
  • Green: One word to 24% matching text
  • Yellow: 25-49% matching text
  • Orange: 50-74% matching text
  • Red: 75-100% matching text

Influence on Academic Performance

The influence of Turnitin scores on academic performance can be both positive and negative. A high Turnitin score can negatively impact a student’s academic performance as it indicates a high level of plagiarism. Plagiarism is a serious academic offense that can lead to disciplinary action, including suspension or expulsion. A student with a high Turnitin score may receive a lower grade or fail the assignment, leading to a negative impact on their academic performance.

On the other hand, a low Turnitin score can positively impact a student’s academic performance. A low score indicates minimal plagiarism, which shows that the student has put in the effort to create original work. This can lead to a higher grade or better performance in the course, positively impacting the student’s academic performance.

Importance of Turnitin Scores

Turnitin scores are essential as they help to maintain academic integrity and ensure that students submit original work. The scores act as a deterrent to plagiarism and encourage students to create original work. Turnitin scores also provide feedback to students, allowing them to improve their writing skills and avoid plagiarism in the future.

In conclusion, Turnitin scores have a significant influence on academic performance. A high score can negatively impact academic performance, while a low score can positively impact academic performance. It is essential for students to understand the importance of Turnitin scores and strive to create original work to maintain academic integrity.

Educational Policies on Turnitin Scores

Many educational institutions have policies regarding acceptable Turnitin scores. These policies vary depending on the institution and the course. Instructors may have their own policies as well. It is important for students to consult their instructor’s syllabus or contact them directly to determine what counts as an acceptable similarity score before submitting a paper.

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Generally, a similarity score of 25% or less is considered acceptable. However, some institutions may have stricter policies and require a lower percentage. It is important for students to understand that the similarity score is not a marker as to whether a student has or has not plagiarized. Rather, it is an indicator of how much of the material matches other material in the database.

Instructors may use Turnitin as a detection tool, a teaching tool, or both. Regardless of how it is used, it is a good idea for instructors to place a statement in their syllabus to notify students of their intent to use Turnitin and how the results will be used in determining grades. This statement can help alleviate any concerns students may have about privacy and academic integrity.

In addition to setting policies on acceptable similarity scores, institutions may also have policies on self-matching. A similarity score of 100% indicates that Turnitin found 100% matching text to one or more sources stored in the Turnitin database. When the source of the match is another submitted paper, it is likely that the source is the student’s own work. This may be defined as a self-match. Institutions may have policies in place to address self-matching and how it will be handled.

Overall, it is important for students to be aware of their institution’s policies on Turnitin scores and to consult their instructor if they have any questions or concerns. By understanding the policies and guidelines, students can ensure that they are submitting work that meets academic standards and upholds academic integrity.


In conclusion, understanding what an acceptable Turnitin percentage score is can be challenging, as it depends on various factors such as the type of assignment, the instructor’s guidelines, and the institution’s policies. However, it is generally accepted that a score of 25% or lower is ideal, indicating that the student has used their own words and ideas to complete the assignment.

It is important to note that a high percentage score does not necessarily mean that the student has plagiarized. Turnitin’s similarity score only shows the amount of matching text in the database and does not take into account the quality or context of the text. Therefore, it is crucial for instructors to review the similarity report carefully and assess whether the matching text is appropriately cited or not.

Instructors can help students to avoid high similarity scores by providing clear guidelines on how to cite sources, paraphrase effectively, and avoid collusion. They can also use Turnitin’s exclusion feature to exclude sources such as bibliographies, quotes, and common phrases from the similarity report.

Finally, students should be aware of their institution’s policies on acceptable similarity scores and consult their instructor’s syllabus or contact them directly if they have any questions or concerns. By understanding the importance of academic integrity and taking necessary precautions, students can avoid unintentional plagiarism and achieve academic success.

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