CGPA to Percentage Calculator: Easily Convert Your CGPA to Percentage

CGPA, or Cumulative Grade Point Average, is a grading system used by many universities and educational institutions to evaluate the academic performance of students. It is a numerical representation of a student’s overall academic achievement, calculated by taking the average of the grade points obtained in each course. However, many students find it difficult to convert their CGPA to a percentage, which is a more commonly used grading system in many countries.

To address this issue, there are numerous online CGPA to percentage calculators available that can help students convert their CGPA to a percentage with ease.

These calculators take into account the grading system used by the university and provide accurate results based on the input provided by the user. Some calculators even allow users to select the grading scale, such as 4.0, 5.0, or 10.0, to get the approximate percentage for academic purposes.

Using a CGPA to percentage calculator can be extremely helpful for students who need to convert their grades for various purposes, such as applying for jobs or higher education programs. With the help of these calculators, students can get accurate results within seconds, saving them time and effort. It is important to note that while these calculators provide a general framework, it is always best to check with the university’s guidelines or policies for specific details on grading and conversion.

Understanding CGPA and Percentage

Definition of CGPA

CGPA stands for Cumulative Grade Point Average. It is a grading system used by educational institutions to measure a student’s academic performance. CGPA is calculated by taking the grade points obtained by a student in all the subjects and dividing it by the total number of subjects. The CGPA scale varies from institution to institution, with some using a 4.0 scale, while others use a 5.0 or 10.0 scale.

Calculation of Percentage from CGPA

Percentage is another way of measuring academic performance. It is a measure of the percentage of marks obtained by a student in all the subjects. To calculate the percentage from CGPA, a conversion formula is used. The formula varies depending on the CGPA scale used by the institution.

For instance, if the CGPA scale used by the institution is 10.0, the formula for converting CGPA to percentage is:

Percentage = CGPA x 9.5

On the other hand, if the CGPA scale used by the institution is 4.0, the formula for converting CGPA to percentage is:

Percentage = (CGPA/4) x 100

It is important to note that the conversion formula may differ depending on the institution. Therefore, it is advisable to confirm the conversion formula with the institution before proceeding with the calculation.

In conclusion, understanding CGPA and percentage is crucial for students who wish to measure their academic performance. While CGPA is a measure of the grade points obtained by a student in all the subjects, percentage is a measure of the percentage of marks obtained by a student in all the subjects. The conversion formula for CGPA to percentage varies depending on the CGPA scale used by the institution.

Steps to Convert CGPA to Percentage

CGPA to Percentage Formula

Converting CGPA to percentage is a common requirement for students in many educational systems. The process can be confusing, but it is not difficult once you know the formula. Here is the formula for converting CGPA to percentage:

percentage = CGPA x 9.5

To use this formula, you need to know your CGPA. Once you have your CGPA, simply multiply it by 9.5 to get your percentage. It is important to note that this formula assumes that your CGPA is based on a 10-point scale.

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If your CGPA is based on a different scale, you will need to adjust the formula accordingly. For example, if your CGPA is based on a 4-point scale, you can use the following formula to convert it to a percentage:

percentage = CGPA x 25

Example Conversion

Here is an example of how to convert a CGPA to a percentage using the formula:

Suppose a student has a CGPA of 8.5 on a 10-point scale. To convert this to a percentage, the student can use the formula:

percentage = 8.5 x 9.5 = 80.75%

Therefore, the student’s CGPA of 8.5 is equivalent to 80.75% on a percentage scale.

It is important to note that the above method is a general formula for converting CGPA to percentage and may not be applicable to all educational systems. Some institutions may have their own specific formulas for converting CGPA to percentage, so it is always best to check with your institution to determine the correct conversion method.

Tools for Conversion

There are several tools available for converting CGPA to percentage. These tools make the conversion process quick and easy, saving students and teachers time and effort.

Steps to convert CGPA to percentage

Step 1: First, you must add the marks obtained in all the subjects.

For example , the total grade points are:

  1. Subject 1: 8
  2. Subject 2: 7
  3. Subject 3: 9
  4. Subject 4: 7
  5. Subject 5: 8

Add the total score obtained: 8+7+9+7+8= 39                                                                  

  • Step 2:  Now divide the total by the total number of subjects

         For example, CGPA 39/5 = 7.8

  • Step 3 : The  CGPA is 7.8                                                                 
  • Step 4: To calculate the percentile, you can multiply the CGPA with 9.5                                                                 

         Percentage=  CGPA*9.5                                                                 

  • Step 5:  CGPA is 7.8, multiply it with 9.5

Example : 7.8*9.5=74%

This is how you need to calculate your CGPA.

CGPA to Percentage Conversion Chart (9.5 Grading Scale)

CGPA                      Equivalent Percentage (%)                      CGPA                      Equivalent Percentage (%)                     
10 95 7 66.5
9.9 94.05 6.9 65.55
9.8 93.1 6.8 64.6
9.7 92.15 6.7 63.65
9.6 91.2 6.6 62.7
9.5 90.25 6.5 61.75
9.4 89.3 6.4 60.8
9.3 88.35 6.3 59.85
9.2 87.4 6.2 58.9
9.1 86.45 6.1 57.95
9 85.5 6 57
8.9 84.55 5.9 56.05
8.8 83.6 5.8 55.1
8.7 82.65 5.7 54.15
8.6 81.7 5.6 53.2
8.5 80.75 5.5 52.25
8.4 79.8 5.4 51.3
8.3 78.85 5.3 50.35
8.2 77.9 5.2 49.4
8.1 76.95 5.1 48.45
8 76 5 47.5
7.9 75.05 4.9 46.55
7.8 74.1 4.8 45.6
7.7 73.15 4.7 44.65
7.6 72.2 4.6 43.7
7.5 71.25 4.5 42.75
7.4 70.3 4.4 41.8
7.3 69.35 4.3 40.85
7.2 68.4 4.2 39.9
7.1 67.45 4.1 38.95
4 38

What is CGPA Grading System ?

According to the grading scale, a grade of D is required to pass the board test.  So, to pass the exam, you need at least a D  or A, B, or C  grade. Within a month of the results being released, students who received grades of E1 or E2 must retake the exam. Refer to the table below to check the grades and grade points for the marks obtained:

Marks                      Grades                      Grade Point                     
91-100 A1 10
81-90 A2 9
71-80 B1 8
61-70 B2 7
51-60 C1 6
41-50 C2 5
33-40 D 4
21-32 E1
20 & below E2

Why Convert CGPA to Percentage?

The CGPA Grading system lets students and teachers check students’ academic performance and work on their strengths and weaknesses to maximize their results as this factor allows educators to identify the strengths and weaknesses of students in studies.

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Converting CGPA to Percentage is:

  • Simple to Use
  • Easy to Interpret
  • Concise
  • More Continuous than letter Grades
  • Combined with letter Grades

Online CGPA to Percentage Calculators

Online CGPA to percentage calculators are web-based tools that allow users to enter their CGPA and obtain their percentage. These tools are accessible from any device with an internet connection and a web browser, making them convenient for students and teachers who need to convert their CGPA to percentage on the go.

One popular online CGPA to percentage calculator is the CGPA to Percentage Calculator by This user-friendly tool is designed to help students and teachers easily convert CGPA into percentage. It is especially useful for those who are pursuing engineering or studying at a university.

Another online CGPA to percentage calculator is the Savvy Calculator. This tool offers a quick and precise conversion to percentage, displaying the result instantly after the user inputs their CGPA. It is straightforward to use, requiring only that the user input their CGPA and click the “Calculate” button.

Mobile Apps for CGPA Conversion

Mobile apps for CGPA conversion are available for both Android and iOS devices. These apps provide a convenient way to convert CGPA to percentage on the go, without the need for an internet connection.

One popular mobile app for CGPA conversion is the CGPA to Percentage Converter by Tirtho Tech. This app is designed to be user-friendly and easy to use, allowing users to input their CGPA and obtain their percentage quickly and easily. It is available for free on both the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store.

Another mobile app for CGPA conversion is the CGPA to Percentage Calculator by Techyonic. This app offers a simple and straightforward way to convert CGPA to percentage, with an intuitive interface and easy-to-use features. It is available for free on both the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store.

In summary, there are several tools available for converting CGPA to percentage, including online calculators and mobile apps. These tools are designed to be user-friendly and easy to use, providing a quick and convenient way for students and teachers to obtain their percentage.

Limitations of CGPA to Percentage Conversion

Variations Among Institutions

One of the main limitations of the CGPA to percentage conversion is the variation among educational institutions. Different institutions have different grading systems, which can affect the accuracy of the conversion. For example, the conversion formula used by CBSE may not apply to other institutions. Therefore, it is important to check with the institution to ensure that the correct conversion formula is being used.

Accuracy of Conversion Methods

Another limitation of the CGPA to percentage conversion is the accuracy of the conversion methods. While the conversion formula used by CBSE is widely accepted, it may not be accurate in all cases. For example, the formula assumes that all subjects carry equal weight, which may not always be the case. Additionally, the formula may not take into account other factors such as practical exams, which may have a different weighting.

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It is also important to note that the CGPA to percentage conversion is not always a reliable indicator of a student’s performance. While it may provide a rough estimate of a student’s performance, it should not be the sole factor in determining a student’s grade. Other factors such as attendance, participation, and practical exams should also be taken into account.

In conclusion, while the CGPA to percentage conversion is a useful tool for students and educators, it has its limitations. It is important to be aware of these limitations and to use the conversion formula with caution. Students should also be aware that the conversion may not always accurately reflect their performance and should not rely solely on the conversion formula to determine their grades.

Applications of CGPA to Percentage

CGPA to percentage conversion is an essential process that plays a significant role in academic evaluations and job eligibility criteria. The CGPA to percentage conversion is used to determine the student’s overall performance in academics and their eligibility for various job opportunities.

Academic Evaluations

CGPA to percentage conversion is an essential process that determines the student’s eligibility for higher studies. Many universities and colleges require students to have a minimum percentage of marks to be eligible for admission. In such cases, students can use a CGPA to percentage calculator to convert their CGPA to percentage and determine their eligibility for higher studies.

Moreover, the CGPA to percentage conversion is also used to evaluate a student’s overall performance in academics. It helps faculties to determine the students’ strengths and weaknesses and provide them with appropriate guidance to improve their performance.

Job Eligibility Criteria

CGPA to percentage conversion is also used to determine the eligibility criteria for various job opportunities. Many organizations have a minimum percentage requirement for job applicants. In such cases, job applicants can use a CGPA to percentage calculator to convert their CGPA to percentage and determine their eligibility for the job.

Moreover, the CGPA to percentage conversion is also used to evaluate the candidates’ overall performance in academics. It helps recruiters to determine the candidate’s strengths and weaknesses and select the most suitable candidate for the job.

In conclusion, CGPA to percentage conversion is an essential process that plays a significant role in academic evaluations and job eligibility criteria. Students and job applicants can use a CGPA to percentage calculator to convert their CGPA to percentage and determine their eligibility for higher studies and job opportunities, respectively.

Frequently Asked Questions

Difference Between CGPA and GPA

CGPA and GPA are both measures of academic performance, but they differ in their calculation and interpretation. GPA stands for Grade Point Average, and it is a measure of a student’s average grade on a 4-point scale. CGPA stands for Cumulative Grade Point Average, and it is a measure of a student’s average grade over a longer period, such as an entire academic program.

GPA is calculated by taking the sum of the grade points earned in each course and dividing by the total number of courses taken. CGPA is calculated by taking the sum of the grade points earned in each semester or year and dividing by the total number of semesters or years.

Impact of Conversion on Academic Records

When converting CGPA to percentage, it is important to note that the conversion formula may vary depending on the grading system used by the institution. Therefore, it is recommended that students consult with their academic advisors or the institution’s registrar for accurate conversion.

It is also important to note that converting CGPA to percentage may have an impact on academic records, especially if the converted percentage is used for admission to higher education institutions or for employment purposes. Therefore, students should ensure that the conversion is done accurately and that the converted percentage is acceptable to the institution or employer.

Overall, the conversion of CGPA to percentage is a useful tool for students to understand their academic performance and to compare their grades with other students or institutions. However, it should be done with caution and accuracy to avoid any negative impact on academic records.

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