JAMB Profile Code Issues Solution: NIN To 55019/66019 Errors Solved

Since the implementation of the National Identification Number (NIN) requirement for JAMB UTME/DE and regularization registrations, candidates have encountered various challenges.

These issues have caused considerable difficulties for candidates, ranging from technical problems and errors made by candidates themselves to errors from service providers and NIMC-related issues.

Listed below are some common issues reported by candidates, along with suggested solutions to help navigate these challenges.

NIN SMS Sent to 55019 But No Reply

The occurrence of this error could be a result of mixing up the SIM and SMS service center numbers. It is possible that you may have inadvertently modified the SMS service number on your phone.

To resolve the issue of not receiving a reply after sending your NIN to 55019, the quickest solution is to remove your SIM card from your current phone and insert it into another phone.

Afterwards, resend the message containing your NIN and wait for a few hours to receive a response.

Phone Number Used Already by Another Candidate

Some candidates have encountered the error message “this phone number has already been used by another candidate” after sending their messages. This error indicates that the mobile number (SIM/line) you are currently using has previously been used to obtain a different profile code, either by yourself or someone else.

To address this issue, it is recommended to use a different mobile number to obtain your profile code. Ensure that the new number belongs to you and has not been used for JAMB purposes before. While it is possible to use someone else’s number, make sure that it has not been or will not be used for JAMB in the future.

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Record Not Found for the NIN

Some students have encountered a complaint after requesting profile codes. To resolve this issue, follow these steps:

  1. Double-check if the NIN (number) you sent was correct. Ensure that there are no omissions or mistakes.
  2. Remove any spaces that might have been accidentally included after the NIN.
  3. Retry sending the message.
  4. If the issue persists, wait for a few days and then try again. If you still encounter the same problem, send a message describing the issue to the NIMC/JAMB support email for further assistance.

Invalid Character Found Errors

This error is likely to occur if you include additional information or fail to follow the instructions correctly when requesting the profile code. To avoid this error, follow these guidelines:

  1. Send only your NIN (11-digit number) to 55019 without any additional characters such as full stops (.), colons (:), dashes (-), etc.
  2. Do not include your full name in the message. Only send the NIN.
  3. Ensure there is a space between “NIN” and your 11-digit NIN number.
  4. Do not add any spaces after the last digit of your NIN.
    For example: Send a message in the format “NIN 97804321678” to 55019, without any additional information or characters.
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By following these instructions accurately, you can avoid encountering the mentioned error.

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Date of Birth Invalid Error

If you encounter an error related to your date of birth when requesting the profile code, it indicates that there might be an issue with the date of birth submitted for your National ID card. This error is more likely to occur if you are under 16 years old, as JAMB requires candidates to meet the minimum age requirement for admission.

To resolve this issue, you can visit the National Identity Management Commission (NIMC) to request a correction of your date of birth. Please note that there may be a fee of approximately #15,000 for this correction. Once the correction is made, you should obtain an updated slip from NIMC as proof of the correction.

After obtaining the updated slip with the corrected date of birth, you can proceed to send the message again to request the profile code, ensuring that the information provided aligns with the corrected date of birth.

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It is important to address this issue promptly to ensure that your profile information is accurate and aligns with the required criteria for JAMB registration and admission.

Surname/First Name Missing in Your NIN Details

If you encounter the error message “first name does not match your NIN details” while registering with JAMB, it indicates a discrepancy or invalidity in the arrangement or name on your National Identity Number (NIN).

To resolve this issue, I recommend waiting for a few days and then retrying the registration process. NIMC and JAMB may be updating their systems to address such issues and allow affected candidates to proceed.

If the error persists, it is advisable to visit the nearest NIMC office and inform them about the error you encountered. They should be able to assist you in identifying any discrepancies or errors in your National ID Card registration and provide the necessary guidance for resolving the issue.

It’s important to address this issue promptly as it ensures that your registration details are accurate and aligned with the information on your NIN, facilitating a smooth JAMB registration process.

Your NIN Passport Obtained is not Valid

If you encounter the error message “passport missing in the construction” during your registration with JAMB, it indicates a problem with the visibility or availability of your passport photograph in the system. This could be due to the system not being able to clearly detect your passport or the absence of a passport photograph in your registration.

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To resolve this issue, I recommend waiting for a few days and then attempting the registration process again. Updates may have been made by NIMC to address such issues and ensure the proper visibility of passport photographs.

If the error persists even after waiting, it would be advisable to visit the nearest NIMC office and report the issue. The NIMC officials should be able to assist you in resolving the problem and ensuring that your passport photograph is properly captured and visible in the system.

By addressing this issue, you will ensure that your registration details are complete and accurate, including a clear and recognizable passport photograph, which is essential for the JAMB registration process.

NIN Failed NIMC Verification Error

If you encounter the error message stating that the SIM card used for registration does not belong to you or that there are issues with your data in the NIMC database during the JAMB registration process, there could be several reasons behind it.

One possibility is that the SIM card you initially used does not belong to you, which may lead to discrepancies in the registration process. In such cases, I recommend changing the SIM card to another one that is registered in your name or using a SIM card belonging to your parents (as long as it has not been previously used for JAMB registration).

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If changing the SIM card does not resolve the issue and you continue to receive the error message, it is advisable to visit the nearest NIMC office and lodge a complaint. NIMC officials are actively working to address various issues faced by JAMB candidates, and they should be able to assist you in resolving the problem related to your data in the NIMC database.

By following these steps, including changing the SIM card and seeking assistance from the NIMC office, you can overcome the error and proceed with your JAMB registration smoothly.

Your Profile Code Has Been Used by Another Number

If you have been using different phone lines to receive the profile code for your JAMB registration and have encountered the error message stating that your profile code has been used by another number, there are a few steps you can take to resolve this issue.

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The message you received indicates that the specific phone line mentioned in the error message has already been accepted for the profile code, but due to network issues, you were unable to receive it through that line.

To solve this problem, you should go back to the phone line mentioned in the error message and send a new message. Text “RESEND” to 55019 using that specific line. This will prompt the telecom service to reprocess the profile code and send it to you.

It is recommended to try sending the “RESEND” message during nighttime or early morning hours when network traffic is usually lower, as this may increase the chances of successful delivery.

By following these steps, you should be able to overcome the issue of the profile code being used by another number and receive the code successfully through the designated phone line.

Unable to Charge Your Line at the Moment

If you encounter the error message indicating a temporary network issue by your service provider (such as MTN, Glo, Airtel), there are a few steps you can take to resolve the problem:

  1. Give it time: Wait for approximately 4 hours before attempting to retry. This allows for any temporary network glitches to be resolved.
  2. Restart your phone: Switch off your phone and turn it back on again. This can help refresh the network connection and resolve any temporary issues.
  3. Try during off-peak hours: Consider trying again during the night or early morning hours. Network traffic tends to be lower during these times, which may increase the chances of a successful connection.

By following these steps, you give the network sufficient time to stabilize and increase the likelihood of a successful connection when retrying.

JAMB and NIMC Announced Emails and Platform To Lodge Complaints

NIMC and JAMB have provided email addresses where candidates can send their complaints regarding various issues. If you have exhausted all other options and are still experiencing difficulties, you can reach out to the respective organizations using the following contact details:

  1. For NIN-related issues, send a short complaint message, including your Full Name and NIN, to [email protected]. After sending the email, it is advisable to wait a few hours before attempting the registration again.
  2. If you have any other issues related to the registration process, you can submit your complaint through the support link provided on the JAMB website at https://www.jamb.gov.ng/support.

By reaching out to the appropriate channels, you can ensure that your concerns are communicated to the relevant authorities, who will assist you in resolving the issues you are facing.

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