How To Easily Check JAMB Regularization Status

When you apply for JAMB regularisation, you begin to wonder how long it will take to be granted. And how will you know when it is approved?

Assume you filled out and submitted your JAMB regularisation form online, printed the indemnification form, and delivered it to your school for stamping, signing, and forwarding to the JAMB office. How would you know if JAMB received the paperwork and approved your application?





This post will provide you with a four-sure way to know if your regularisation has been granted by JAMB.


1. Look for the Regularisation Approval Notice in your used email.


The most common way to find out if your regularisation has been granted is to receive a notice message from the Joint Commission.

The most common way to find out if your regularisation has been granted is to receive a notification message from the Joint Admission and Matriculation Board.




The board will typically send an email to the email address you provided during your JAMB regularisation application. This is the email address you will need to log in to your JAMB profile if you need to print the JAMB letter or the original JAMB result, for example.



You do not need to log in to the JAMB portal if you use this method. You will be checking your email and waiting for the JAMB announcement. Remember to check both your email inbox and spam folders because communications might sometimes end up in spam.

  1. Log in to your email
  2. Locate the search box right at the top of all messages and click inside
  3. Type in “JAMB” in the search box and hit search or enter on your keyboard
  4. With this, all messages continuing JAMB will be listed in their order.
  5. Then, you can easily search through and see if JAMB has recently contacted you with the approval notice.
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2. Check the Status of Regularisation Using the “My Indemnity Form” Link

You hit the nail on the head with this strategy. You won’t lose time validating your status if you can check in to your JAMB profile right away.

Jamb Indemnity Form Sample: How to Fill Out and Submit


Remember how you printed a document once you were regularised and gave it to your school? This is known as the indemnity form. Although it was produced for you by the JAMB office or CBT centre at the time, you can still reprint it if you know how.




This time, you will go directly to the indemnification forms link in your JAMB profile and check the approval status.

Follow the steps below to verify the progress of your regularisation approval via your Indemnity Form link.


  1. Visit
  2. Login with your email and password (used and taken during the regularization application)
  3. Kindly switch your mobile browser to the desktop site or use a computer to access the profile, at this stage or before logging in.
  4. At the left side of your page (dashboard), navigate down to where you see My Indemnity Forms
  5. Click on this to navigate to the Indemnity form page.
  6. Here you will see two links. One, Print Indemnity Form. Second, Check the Application Status.
  7. Click on the Check Application Status
  8. If Approved or otherwise, you will see notices making the relevant references.
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3. Examine Regularisation Approval Via Admission Status

You can check the JAMB admission status to confirm if the regularisation has been accepted, especially for applicants who utilised their regularisation to rectify courses and institutions, or those who were admitted through JAMB in the first place.


Follow the steps below to check your JAMB admission status in relation to regularisation permission.


  1. Visit your JAMB profile or go to to get started.
  2. To log in, use your JAMB email address and the password for your JAMB profile
  3. On the following page (the dashboard), select Check Admission Status.
  4. On the next screen, select the relevant admission year and input your JAMB registration number, if you provided one during the regularisation application.
  5. If the regularisation is successful, you’re sure to see your admission status reflecting what you corrected.


4. Examine Regularisation Status Using Admission Status JAMB has built an Android app for candidates to check their admission status and complete relevant CAPS activities.

Using your mobile application, you can check your JAMB admission status to verify if it has reflected the modifications you made during regularisation


To accomplish this,

  1. To get JAMB CAPS Mobile, go to the Android Play Store.
  2. Check your admission status as directed in procedure 3 above.
  3. If your regularisation request is approved, the changes should be reflected in the notification you receive after checking your JAMB admission status.
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