Junior Waec Questions and Answers for Visual Art 2024

As the Junior WAEC 2024 approaches, students and educators alike are gearing up for one of the most crucial examinations for JSS 3 students in Nigeria. The Visual Art examination is a significant part of the Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE), and it’s essential to prepare thoroughly to excel.

This blog post aims to provide a detailed guide on the Visual Art paper, including study tips, possible questions, and how to approach the answers.

Understanding the Visual Art Examination

Visual Art in the Junior WAEC is not just about drawing and painting; it encompasses a wide range of topics, including art history, design principles, and practical art skills. It’s a subject that encourages creativity and critical thinking, allowing students to express themselves while learning about cultural heritage.

Key Areas of Focus

  • Art History: Understanding the evolution of art and its significance in various cultures.
  • Design Principles: Learning about balance, contrast, emphasis, movement, pattern, rhythm, and unity in art.
  • Practical Skills: Developing hands-on skills in drawing, painting, sculpture, and other forms of visual expression.

Study Tips for Success

  1. Review Past Questions: Familiarize yourself with the structure and types of questions asked in previous years.
  2. Practice Regularly: Dedicate time to practice drawing and other practical skills.
  3. Explore Various Mediums: Experiment with different materials and techniques to broaden your skill set.
  4. Understand the Theory: Don’t neglect the theoretical aspects of art. Study art history and design principles diligently.
  5. Seek Feedback: Show your work to teachers or peers and get constructive feedback to improve.

Possible Questions and How to Answer Them

While we cannot predict the exact questions that will appear in the Junior WAEC 2024, we can provide some possible questions based on the syllabus and past examinations. Here are a few examples:

Question 1: Describe the characteristics of traditional African sculpture. Answer: Traditional African sculpture is known for its abstract and geometric forms, emphasis on the human figure, symbolism, and use of materials like wood, bronze, and terracotta.

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Question 2: What is the significance of theatre arts in African culture? Answer: Theatre arts in African culture serve as a means of storytelling, preserving history, educating the community, and celebrating cultural events.

Question 3: Explain the concept of balance in design. Answer: Balance in design refers to the distribution of visual weight in a composition. It can be symmetrical, asymmetrical, or radial, ensuring that no part of the artwork overpowers another, creating a harmonious and pleasing effect.



The examination consists of three papers: Papers 1, 2, and 3 all of which must be taken. Papers 1 and 2 will be combined in a composite paper and will be taken at one sitting

Paper 1: This paper will contain forty multiple choice objective questions to be taken in 50 minutes for 40 marks.

Paper 2: This paper will consist of three sections: Sections A, B and C covering the following areas of the syllabus:

Section A: General knowledge in art; Section B: Art of West Africa;

Section C: Pre-historic art, Ancient Egyptian art and Western Art.

The paper will contain a total of eight essay questions. Candidates will be required to answer four questions choosing one question from Section A, two from Section B and one question in Section C. The paper will last 2 hours and carry 60 marks,

Papers 1 and 2 will focus on general knowledge in art, i.e. elements and principles of art; branches, processes, history and appreciation of art; as well as creative design processes. They will also involve tests on the use and care of art tools and materials.

The test in art history will cover both the traditional and contemporary Art of West African countries. It will also cover pre-historic art, ancient Egyptian art and European (Western art). The section on art history will cover specific periods and regions and it is important that candidates should have adequate understanding of the beliefs and attitudes that influenced artists in their work

Paper 3: The paper shall also have three sections: Sections A, B and C. Candidates for the May/ June diet of the examination shall be required to answer questions in Section A and those in either Section B or C. Those for the November/December diet shall answer questions in Sections A and B only. Details on the questions in the sections are as follows:

Section A – Drawing


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This section will contain three questions, one each on drawing from objects, nature or life, from which candidates shall attempt one question only in 3 hours for 100 marks. The instruction(s) for the section will be given to art teachers/supervisors two weeks before the date of the test. This is to enable the art them obtain the required materials for the test before the day of writing the paper.


Section B  Creative Design (2  Dimensional)


This section will contain a total of six questions; two each on graphic design, textiles design and picture-making. Candidates will be required to answer one question only in 3 hours for 100 marks. The question paper will be given to candidates at least 2 weeks prior to the day for executing the work, but the art work must be done on the day for the test under appropriate WAEC supervision.


Section C – Creative Design (3  Dimensional)


This section will contain four questions; one each on sculpture, product design/modeling, ceramics and crafts. Candidates will be required to answer one question only within six months for 100 marks






  1. Whichof the following colours will produce a tint when mixed with another colour?


  1. White
  2. Yellow
  3. Black
  4. Red


  1. Squeegeeis associated with


  1. throwing






  1. Thequality which distinguishes one colour from another is



  1. Preparinga canvas for painting requires the application of



  1. Whichof the following painting media is not applied in liquid form?


  1. Postercolour
  2. Acrylic
  3. Oilcolour
  4. Pastel


  1. Foreshorteningis a term associated with



  1. Itis advisable to pre-wash fabric before dyeing in order to


  1. remove
  2. reducedying
  3. improvefabric
  4. safedye


  1. Whichof the following is the most important factor in designing a poster?


  1. Communication


  1. Beautification
  2. Decoration
  3. Packaging









  1. Whichof the following is plastic in nature?


  1. Secondaryclays
  2. Glazeproducts
  3. Primaryclays
  4. Glassproducts


  1. TheAkwete weavers weave on a


  1. horizontal loom.
  2. vertical
  3. table
  4. short








  1. Writenotes on five of the following:
    • symmetry; [3marks]
    • asymmetry; [3marks]
    • contrast; [3marks]
    • allaprima; [3 marks]
    • abstractart; [3 marks]
    • realistic [3 marks]
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  1. Describethe process of making a print on fabric in two colours, using a paper cut

[15 marks]



  1. Statefive reasons why diviners patronize traditional West African  [15 marks]


  1. (a) Comparethe traditional West African art and Western  [9 marks]

(b) Write on the influence of West African art on Western art. [6 marks]


  1. (a) Define [3 marks]
  • Describeany type of West African  [6 marks]
  • Explainmask as an art form in West  [6 marks]


  1. (a) Writenotes on contemporary West African  [6 marks]


(b) Highlight the factors responsible for the development of contemporary West African art. [9 marks]



  1. (a) Highlightthree characteristics of pre-historic cave paintings. [6 marks]

(b) Explain the concept of sympathetic magic in pre-historic art. [9 marks]


  1. Writenotes on ancient Egyptian art under the following headings:
    • underlyingbeliefs; [4 marks]
    • artforms;
    • [8marks]









For all candidates


Candidates are to attempt one of the following questions only.



[Drawing from objects]


  1. Place an empty bucket beside a chair, close to a good source of light and on top of thechair, place an old  Drape a towel on the backrest of the chair in a way that the towel is seen through the lamp shade.


Draw the objects as arranged.



[Drawing from nature]


  1. On a low table covered with a white cloth, place a big pineapple vertically in a tray. Onthe right side of the pineapple, place a big pawpaw horizontally and in a way that part of it overlaps the  Place three oranges on the other side of the pine apple.


Draw the fruits as composed.



[Drawing from life]


  1. A female model, dressed in a sleeveless blouse and a short tight fitting games wear issitting on a bench. She looks at something on the floor, resting on her left hand placed on the bench. Her left leg is slightly bent, while the right leg is stretched forward. The right hand rests on her right lap.


Draw the model as posed.





Answer one question only


Graphic Design


  1. A new fruit drink named THIRST BLASTER is to be launched into the market by SunnyInt’l Ltd. This drink is made from a combination of orange and lemon fruits. Design a pictorial poster to advertise the product, incorporating the slogan deeply refreshing.



Picture Making

  1. Makean imaginative painting of one of the following topics: (a). A busy market day.

(b). Two boys and a girl waiting for their turn at the village well. (c). A girl washing clothes at the riverside.






Answer one question only.


  1. A philanthropist in your local government area is sponsoring a football competitionamong the secondary schools in the


Design and produce a trophy to be presented to the winner. Finish appropriately.

  1. Createa relief sculpture on the theme: MOTHER’S LOVE






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