APPLY: National School Feeding Program–Npower-N-Agro NEXIT

Fill out an application to participate in the National School Feeding Program–Npower-N-Agro NEXIT. Beneficiaries: One of the NSIP Clusters, known as the National Home-Grown School Feeding Program (NHGSFP), has the mission of giving each student enrolled in an elementary, middle, or high school one free meal per day.

The active participation of cooks and smallholder farmers is required in order to fulfill the obligation to provide free meals.


As a part of the efforts to strengthen the linkage with smallholder farmers, the NHGSFP is inviting interested NPOWER-NAGRO NEXIT Beneficiaries, who have received the NEXIT AGSMEIS Training, to express interest in the smallholder farmer linkage project. This invitation is being issued by the NHGSFP as part of the efforts to strengthen the linkage with smallholder farmers.

Smallholder farmers who are going to be a part of the program’s supply chain are going to be mapped, identified, and registered as a part of this project. One of the benefits will be the establishment of a reliable market for particular goods that will be used in the NHGSFP.


Please fill out our registration form in its entirety if you are interested in taking part and would like more information about the event.

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Beneficiaries of the Npower-N-Agro NEXIT Program: Here’s How to Apply for the National School Feeding Program

To apply, please fill out the following online form:

To submit your application online, click here.


NHGSFP Website:

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