FREE NECO 2023 Chemistry Practical Questions and Answers

NECO 2023 Chemistry Practical Questions and Answers

  • Thursday, 13th July 2023
  • Chemistry (Practical) – 10:00am – 12:00pm




Burette Reading (cm³) | Rough | Titration I | Titration II

Final Reading (cm³) | 21.50 | 43.00 | 22.00

Initial Reading (cm³) | 0.00 | 21.50 | 00.00

Volume of A used (cm³) | 21.50 | 21.50 | 22.00.


Average Volume of acid used = 21.50 + 21.50/2 = 21.50cm³


Solution B[Sodium trioxocarbonate (iv)] feels soapy.


Conc. B in mol/dm³ =?

Ca= 0.04, Va= 21.50cm³, na= 1

Cb= ? , Vb= 25.00cm³ nb= 1

CaVa/CbVb = na/nb = 0.04×21.50/Cb×25.00 = 1/1

Cb= 0.04×21.50/25.00 = 0.86/25.00

Cb= 0.0344mol/dm³


Conc. of B in g/dm³ = Conc. of B in mol/dm³ × molar mass of B

Molar mass of B(NaCO₃)= (23×2) + 12 + (16×3) = 106

:. Conc. of B in g/dm³ = 0.0344×106 = 3.6g/dm³


1 mole of Na₂Co₃ = 1mole of Na₂So₄

:. 0.0344 mole of Na₂Co₃ = 0.0344 mole of Na₂So₄

№ of mole= mass / molar mass

Molar mass of Na₂So₄= (23×2)+32+(16×4)=142

:. 0.0344 = mass/142



1 mole of Na₂Co₃= 1 mole of CO₂

0.0344 mole of Na₂Co₃ = 0.0344 mole of CO₂

:. № of mole = volume/ molar volume = 0.0344 = volume of CO₂/22400cm³ = 771cm³.




C + heat


Formation of yellow flame


Na⁺ present



C + distilled water + shake


It readily dissolve in water


C is a soluble in water



Solution C + litmus paper


It changes moist red litmus to blue and no effect blue


Solution C is alkaline



1st portion of solution C + barium chloride


White precipitate formed


CO₃²⁻ , SO₄²⁻ , S²⁻ or SO₃²⁻



Add dilute HCl to product in (bi)


White precipitate dissolved


CO₃ , SO₃²⁻ or S₃²⁻



To the second portion add phenolphthalein


Purple colour observed


C is alkaline.




Sulphur (iv) oxide and hydrogen sulphide.


Liberation of hydrogen gas with pop sound and formation of green iron (ii) chloride solution.


Spatula, beaker, weighing balance, standard volumetric flask.


Solution turns red


Turns from brown to green


A colourless, odourless, acidic gas liberated which turns blue litmus paper red and turn lime water milky.


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