Legit WAEC GCE Biology Questions and Answers 2022/2023 ( Essay and Objectives)

The WAEC GCE Biology questions and answers for 2023 can be found here. The 2023 WAEC Biology in English Questions and Answers section welcomes you.

You will be able to find the answers to the WAEC GCE Biology Objective and Theory questions, as well as the WAEC Biology Essay 2023 and WAEC GCE 2023 Biology exams, as well as the study recommendations you need to pass your WAEC GCE Biology exam with ease.

WAEC GCE Biology Essay and Objectives Questions and Answers 2023 (Expo)

The 2023 WAEC GCE Biology expo will be posted here during the WAEC GCE Biology examination. Keep checking and reloading this page for the answers.

WAEC GCE Nov/Dec. 2023 Biology Answers Loading…

Today’s GCE Biology Answers:

GCE Biology OBJ: Loading…


Note: The answers below are the 2022 Nov/Dec answers.

No (1b)

i. Development and growth. After meiosis has produced a gamete, and this has fused with another gamete to form an embryo, the embryo grows using mitosis. …

ii.Cell replacement. …

iii.Asexual reproduction.

No (2)


Commensalism – Sharks and remora fish, Tigers and golden jackals

Mutualism – Bees and flowers, humans and bacteria in the gut

Parasitism – Humans and tapeworms, cows and ticks

Neutralism – Rainbow trout, and dandevon cactus and tarantulas

Pollution can be referred to as the introduction of harmful materials or substances into our environment thereby causing adverse charges.

(i)It contributes to global warming
(ii)It leaves a huge carbon footprints

(i)it also contributes to global climate change
(ii)It emits mercury which is a neurotoxin as well as carbon dioxide

(i)When it spills in aquatic bodies, it causes loss of aquatic lives
(ii)On land, crude oil spills reduce food productivity


(i) Dominance refers to the exertion of a major controlling influence of one or more species upon all other species by virtue of their number, size, productivity or related activities.

(ii) Size: Population size is the number of individual organisms in a population.

(iii) Density: This the number of living organisms per unit area or volume.

(i) Frog has lungs for breathing but also breathes through its skin.
(ii) They have webbed feet, which help them to swim
(iii) They have long and strong hind limbs, which help them in leaping and catching their prey.

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(i) This is a mismatched blood transfusion.
The blood will agglutinate which will lead to fatality. In such a situation, a reaction known as hemolytic transfusion reaction causes the patient’s body to form antibodies that attack the new blood cells.

(ii) The patient’ blood is tested and to get a matched to be transfused.

(iii) Discontinuous variation

(iv) To know the patient’s rhesus factor and blood group which are parameters necessary for a successful blood transfusion

(i) Bacteria
(ii) Plants
(iii) Animals

(i) Nitrosomoners
(ii) Nitrobacta
(iii) Fungi

(i) Cook the food well
(ii) Always cover the food
(iii) Ensure the environment is always clean

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The questions below are not exactly 2022 WAEC Biology questions and answers but likely WAEC Literature likely repeated questions and answers.

These questions are strictly for practice. The 2022 WAEC GCE Biology expo will be posted on this page on the day of the WAEC GCE Biology examination. Keep checking and refreshing/reloading this page for the answers.

1. Which of the following groups of animals do not possess a nervous system? (a) Porifera (b) Cnidaria (c) Platyhelminthes (d) Nematoda

2. The structural and pointed similarities in paramecium and Euglena are in the (a) Shape of locomotory organs (b) blunt anterior and pointed posterior (c) presence of micro and mega nuclei in both. (d) presence of anterior and posterior contractile vacuoles

3. Which of the following organisms cannot exist freely on its own? (a) Chlamydomonas (b) Amoeba (c) Paramecium (d) Plasmodium

the diagram below is an illustration of an Arthropod. Study it and answer question 4

4. The Arthropod in the diagram is not an insect because it (a) has a big head that is almost equal to the “thorax. (b) has eight lets and no wings (c) does not have visible eyes on it head (d) has head, thorax and abdomen

5. Which of the following cell organelles is the site for the production of ATP? (a) Lysosome (b) Nucleus (c) Mitochondrion (d) Ribosome

6. An example of osmosis in plants is the (a) movement of water through the xylem (b) loss of water vapour from stomata (c) transaction of food through the phloem (d) absorption of water from the soil by the root.

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7. The organism that can carry out both autrophic and heterotrophic modes of nutrition is (a) Chlamydomonas (b) Eudorina (c) Euglena (d) Spirogyra

The diagram below illustrates a part of human skeleton. Study it and answer questions 8 to 10

8. The diagram represent the bones of the (a) upper arm (b) lower arm (c) upper leg (d) lower leg

9. Which of the labeled parts articulates with the head of the trochlea to form a hinge point? (a) I (b) II (c) III (d) IV

10. The labeled part that provides surface for the attachment of the triceps is (a) I (b) II (c) III (d) IV

The diagram below illustrates

11. The transverse section of (a) dicotyledonous root (b) monocotyledonous root (c) dicotyledonous stem (d) monocotyledonous stem

12. Which of the following actions does not occur during exhalation in man? (a) Thoracic cavity decreases in volume (b) Diaphragm flattens (c) Ribs move down and in (d) Air pressure increases in the thoracic cavity

The diagram below is an illustration of the urinary tubule in a mammal. Study it and answer question 13 to 15.

13. Which of the following substances is found in part labeled II only? (a) Lipid (b) Protein (c) Salts (d) Water

14. The part which contain the lowest concentration of urea is labeled (a) I (b) II (c) III (d) IV

15. Which of the following substances is greater in concentration in the part labeled IV when compared to that of the part labeled I? (a) Lipid (b) Glucose (c) Urea (d) Uric acid

16. Deamination of amino acids in the liver produces (a) blood sugar (b) glycogen (c) bile (d) urea

17. Which of the following glands also serves as an exocrine gland? (a) Ovary (b) Pancreas (c) Adrenal (d) Thyroid

18. Which of the following sequences is the correct route of the transmission of impulses along a reflex arc?

(a) Receptor → sensory neurone → synapse intermediate neurone → synapse → motor neurone effector

(b) Receptor → motor neurone → synapse → intermediate neurone → synapse → sensory neurone → effector

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(c) Effector → intermediate neurone → synapse → motor neurone → synapse →sensory neurone → receptor

(d) Effector → motor neurone → synapse → sensory neurone → synapse → intermediate neurone → receptor

Solved WAEC Mathematics Questions and Answers For 2023/2024 (Essay and Objectives)

19. when viewing an object that is close to the human eye, the (a) eye lens becomes thin. (b) ciliary muscles relax (c) suspensory ligaments become taut. (d) eye lens become fat

The diagram below is an illustration of the human sperm. Study it and answer questions 20 and 21

20. The part labeled I is the (a) acrosome (b) nucleus (c) mitochondrion (d) tail

21. The function of the part labeled II is to (a) fuse with the ovum during fertilization (b) generate the energy for the sperm to swim to the fallopian tube (c) help the sperm to swim forward (d) dissolve the membrane of the egg during fertilization.

22. Which of the following types of placentation is not common amongst syncarpous pistils? (a) Marginal (b) Axile (c) Parietal (d) Free central

23. The complex energy-rich organic matter which living organisms need for life is (a) water (b) air (c) food (d) mineral salts

24. Which of the following processes are associated with photosynthesis? I. Energy from sunlight is absorbed II Carbon dioxide is evolved III Oxygen is given off IV Glucose is synthesized.

I and II only (b) I, II and IV only (c) I, III and IV only (d) I, II, III and IV

25. Which of the following functions is associated with calcium in plants? Formation of (a) Cell wall (b) Ribosomes. (c) Proteins (d) Cell membrane

The aforementioned questions are likely WAEC GCE repeated questions and answers rather than the 2023 Biology questions and answers.

These are practise questions. On the day of the WAEC GCE Biology  examination, the 2023 WAEC GCE Biology questions and answers will be available on this page. Continue to check and refresh/reload this page for latest answers.

Download WAEC Timetable 2023/2024 PDF for May/June Examination

WAEC GCE Biology Essay 2023

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